10 Be-Attitudes of a Mentee
Aug 28, 2017
Last week we looked at the 10 Be-Attitudes of a mentor and this week we will focus on the mentee. Let’s put an end to our thinking that we aren’t doing enough. It’s time to . . .
Just Be . . .
Be prayerful. Pray about whom God might be pointing you to ask to be your mentor.
Be watchful. Look for those qualities in another woman who reflect what you want to become. What are the spiritual gifts or fruit of the spirit that you see in her life and also want more of in your life?
Be discerning. Ask God to show you if there is any reason why you shouldn’t ask her to be your mentor. Once she starts mentoring you, make sure she is spending time with the Lord and truly hearing from Him as she shares her wisdom with you.
Be intentional. It takes courage to be the one to ask a potential mentor to meet for coffee or over lunch because you want to get to know her better. Start asking her questions to get to know her before you even ask her to be your mentor.
Be bold. Don’t let fear or intimidation stop you from taking the first step. Most mentors would be honored to be asked. It’s worth taking a risk.
Be authentic. By being vulnerable and honest with your mentor, you can go much deeper more quickly.
Be interested. Ask good questions. Seek to learn all you can from your mentor. Don’t do all of the talking.
Be teachable. It starts with being humble, knowing that you need others to learn from and grow with. Don’t become complacent in staying where you are but seek to become better.
Be realistic. Your mentor will make mistakes. She is imperfect. She is not God. Don’t put too high of an expectation on her.
Be willing. To ask for prayer. To specify your needs. To accept help.
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