Choosing Rest

rest summer Aug 20, 2018

by Nancy Lindgren

You haven’t heard much from us this summer because as a ministry we tried to pull back and take time to rest. I can honestly say, “It has been so wonderful!”

For me personally, I took the month of July off from the “work” of ministry. It was a month of not taking naps everyday in the hammock (which isn’t a bad thing!) or heading to the mountains to be by myself (which sounds great) but it was about being intentional with people – enjoying the moments, showing up, being present, letting go of “to-do” lists.

The month looked different than I thought it would, but looking back, it was exactly what I needed and what refreshed me the most.

- It was a week spent in Alaska with my family (parents, siblings/spouses). I left my phone in my room most of the time and fully enjoyed the scenery, the conversations, the laughter, the games (championship round of ping pong!), the music, the speakers. It’s amazing what I notice when I’m not glued to my phone.

- It was an afternoon spent with a mom and her three young kids at the pool - just playing together and enjoying each other.

- It was an unexpected trip to Nebraska to be available to my cousin and her family as they grieved the loss of their 33-year old son/brother to cancer. To be invited in to that sacred place of deep grief, not saying a whole lot but just being there. God’s presence was so tangible in the peace and rest that He brought to each one of us.

My idea of rest can be so different than God’s idea.

What is the key to choosing rest?

Complete trust and dependence on God.


A reminder that God doesn’t really need me.


Ceasing to rely on our own works.

Believing that God has everything under control.

We either trust ourselves or we trust God.

What keeps us from choosing rest?






We can be the greatest barriers to fully experiencing the benefits of rest.

As a ministry, we could fear taking time to rest . . .

What if we miss out on great opportunities?

What if we lose followers?

What if we lose money?

What if we lose momentum?

What if we fail to keep up?

Rest is risky.

The gifts of choosing rest . . .

Hearing God’s voice.


Reminder that God is working as I am resting.

Revealing of God’s will.


Rest is a taste of heaven. Our promised land. It’s more of Jesus.

Thanks for giving us freedom as a ministry to rest. It has been so worth it! 

There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest . . . Hebrews 4:9-11a

P.S. Stay tuned in the days ahead as we fill you in on all that God has been doing while we have been resting!!

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