Information vs Intimacy
Sep 04, 2017by Nancy Lindgren
I’m feeling the overload of information this morning. It makes me want to shout TMI!
There is information coming at us from all angles. . .blog posts, advertisements, social media, podcasts, books, etc. You name it. It’s instant and it’s constant. Most of it is easily accessible right from my phone. Can anyone relate? I can’t even count how many times I had to confess this morning of my addiction to my phone. It’s such a distraction and an overload of information.

I had this thought today: Are we missing out on intimacy with God because of all the information we are receiving from everyone else?
What is intimacy? A friend recently described it like this “In-to-me-see.” When we have intimacy with God and with others, we see the heart. We know them and they know us. Not just information about them. We really know them.
Prayer is a great example of intimacy. It’s about communion, fellowship, and relationship with a God who wants to be known and who knows us so very intimately. We don’t have to do all the talking. God already knows what we need before we ask. What if we spent more time listening in prayer? To really hear our Father’s heart?
Be still and know that I am God. Psalms 46:10
There was a moment this summer where I was on a walk having a sweet time listening to praise music just worshipping my Jesus. His Spirit spoke into my heart at that moment to shut off the music and just listen to Him. When I did that, there was an immediate whisper from God into my heart that was so personal and intimate and spoken straight into my circumstance on that day. I would have missed His voice if I had kept the familiar worship songs playing. That was a profound moment for me.
Even good things and good people can get in the way of intimacy with God.
As I’ve prayed about my commitments for this next year, I’ve had to say no to some really good things. Things that I enjoy and people I enjoy – bible study, Christian conferences, webinars, neighborhood gatherings, etc.
I’ve come to the basic truth of wanting to hear it straight from my Heavenly Father rather than through other voices.
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. John 15:15
I want Jesus to be my #1 teacher – to actively give me information (“the great andunsearchable things” Jeremiah 33:3) that He wants me to know.
My favorite 2 questions I often ask Him are:
1. Lord, what do you want me to know?
2. Lord, what do you want me to do?
I want to be passionate and focused like Jesus was when He said, “I have to be about my Father’s business” Luke 2:49.
I’ve disappointed people when I can’t spend time with them. I need to be reminded of my priorities and keep them in the proper order.
1. God
2. Family
3. Ministry
4. Friends
5. Hobbies
More and more I’m desiring the fellowship, the intimacy, the communion, the “just being” with my Jesus and I’m longing more and more for heaven when I can be with Him face-to-face. My heart is yearning for that. This world is not my home. These desires seem to grow stronger every day.
Lord, I pray for an unleashing of your Spirit on our land to know You more, in Your fullness, in Your greatness, in all Your power. Wake us up and shake us up to see You for who You really are.
How are you growing in intimacy rather than just information?
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