It's Time to Mobilize The Mentors
Sep 13, 2023By Nancy Lindgren
The Lord has been stirring my heart for over a year with these words:
It’s time to mobilize the mentors.
The time is now. There is an urgency. The need is great. The call on our lives is to invest in people. We are moving into a new era where an army of mentors will rise up and say those powerful words, “Here I am. Send me.”
We must say no to our fear, insecurities, and feelings of being unqualified. The enemy wants us staying stuck in those places of not using our influence and the stories God has written over our lives.
We feel so strongly about this here at MORE Mentoring and have decided to write a new mission statement:
Mobilizing mentors to impact lives through prayer-focused mentoring.
I love it! It makes my heart beat fast. We hope you love it, too. There is no time to waste. The focus is clear and action oriented. The results are transforming. We are watching God do it even now. I continue to be in awe that He wants to partner with us in seeing lives changed.
To mobilize means to “call up and prepare to take action.”
It’s our role as a ministry to help prepare you to take action, not only as mentors but also as mobilizers.
A mentor is someone who comes alongside another person and points him/her to Jesus.
A mobilizer is someone who has the bigger vision and desires to see more mentoring happen in your church, school, community, organization, or nation and helps connect mentors with mentees. Mobilizers desire to see a culture of mentoring taking place around them.
God has put a dream on my heart that I can’t get over:
A movement of 1 million mentors.
Can you imagine how different our world would look if 1 million Spirit-filled, prayer-focused mentors were mobilized and stepped into their God-given calling? Global revival and transformation would abound! It’s going to take a lot of mobilizers to see that dream come to fulfillment but God is raising them up one by one and I love meeting them and praying God-sized dreams with them.
Will you be the one in a million who says YES?
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” - Matthew 9:36-38 (NLT)
Lord, we are asking You to raise up the mentors and the mobilizers and send them out into the fields where you have called them and prepare them to bring in the harvest. Fill them with your courage and boldness. Light a fire within them that sets the world ablaze. In the mighty name of Jesus!
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