Kirsten's Impact Story
Sep 11, 2017I'm so excited to introduce you to Kirsten, one of the attendees at our first ever Come Away Retreat on August 26. Be blessed and encouraged as she shares her story of the impact of this retreat in her life.

by Kirsten____
I am a mommy of three high-energy boys ages 9, 6 and 3. I have been married to my college sweetheart for 14 years and we live an active lifestyle in Lakewood, CO. As a family, we enjoy hiking, camping, rafting, biking…anything to burn off the energy in our boys. When I have some free time to myself I enjoy spending time alone reading, crafting, sewing, decorating, baking and cooking. The key words in that sentence are “time alone.”
Since becoming a mother, the biggest change and challenge for me has been how to find the quiet, peaceful time alone that my soul craves. This Come Away Retreat provided that time for me in a huge way!
A 24-hour getaway with 7 other women, some I knew and some I did not know, in the beautiful setting of Fairplay, CO was just what I needed. It was a time of refreshing my soul, reconnecting with Jesus, and rededicating my heart to one-on-one time with God.
Also, since becoming a mother, my daily one-on-one time in God’s word has slipped away. For quite some time, I have been trying to reconnect my heart and soul with God and get back to that daily quiet time to no avail. I have always found it so difficult to quiet my heart and shut out the racket of life. At the retreat, we were gifted with 4 hours of free time. During that time, I walked into the Aspen grove, sat down and began the process of asking God to take my distracted heart and refocus it to him on a daily basis. Without these 24 hours, I would still be at home feverishly attempting to reconnect to God.
I was so blessed to be sponsored so that I could attend the retreat. Although my family has the financial means for me to attend retreats such as this, I never go. I always have thoughts such as, “I should not spend that money on myself when we have a family to take care of. We should use that money on a date night.” I could go on and on. With the sponsorship, that excuse was completely removed from the table and allowed me to open my heart to the fact that I really needed to get away and ground my soul.
I am so excited about the role this retreat has played in my becoming a more focused and dedicated mother, wife, MOPS leader and daughter of the King. I wholeheartedly believe that without this opportunity I would have just continued to spin my wheels with no results. These 24 hours were just what I needed to get my spiritual life back on track. Thank you Nancy, MORE Mentoring, and sponsors. You have given me the gifts of refreshment, reconnection, dedication, and motivation! My family, my MOPS friends, and my heart thank you!!!
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