Linda’s Impact Story

impact stories linda roszhart mentee mentor more mentoring Jun 13, 2017

Linda Roszhart is one of our wonderful mentors here at MORE Mentoring. Be blessed by her impact story below.

by Linda Roszhart

Since mentoring is God's plan and design, I shouldn't be surprised that He took the initiative long before I ever knew what it meant. Our first mentors are usually our moms, however, in my case, I lost my mom to cancer as a 6-year old. God was faithful to His plan for me. When my family served overseas, He surrounded me with missionary aunts.

I was introduced to formal mentoring as a sophomore in high school--though no one called it that. God brought me Emily. She was only 23 years old.  She began making time for me, showing me how to memorize Scripture when we went for runs and how to study Scripture in a quiet time.

When I married, I had a felt-need for someone to show me how to love my husband God's way. So early one morning, I showed up on my older friend's doorstep with a box of doughnuts and requested to spend time with her on a regular basis. Each of these women invited me into her life, taking me along as she did the things that she was going to do any way. We didn't always pray or study Scripture each time we were together. But I was learning life skills and godly living by osmosis.

Here at MORE Mentoring, I have the opportunity to pass on to others all that God so faithfully had others invest in me. One of my greatest joys is to pray for our mentees when they reach out with their concerns and needs. I am so grateful to MORE Mentoring for giving me a place to be obedient to Christ’s mandate in Titus 2:4. We who are “older” come alongside those who are “younger.” What a joy and privilege it is!

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