Mary's Impact Story

bible impact stories mentees mentors more mentoring Apr 24, 2017

We would like to have this blog be a place where other’s can share the impact of mentoring in their life. Mary, a mentee from Minnesota (say that fast five times!), shares her story:

 by Mary___

I cannot say enough good things about my experience with Julie as my mentor. I feel truly blessed by God for the mentoring ministry God called you to start and for Julie.

Six months ago, I was going through one of the hardest times in my life. I was totally devastated, rejected and abandoned.

I started out by writing Julie a 10-page explanation of my past that built all of this pain up so that we could spend our time together working on moving forward.

I thought Julie might run for the hills (laughing) as I unloaded all of that onto her but she decided to stick with me.

She could not have been a better mentor.  

She was the friend I never had who was willing to listen and who really cared about me. I spent many hours in my life being a friend but hadn’t received care in return until I met Julie.

Julie was always there for me.  She continually encouraged me to trust in God. She taught me to forgive and bless others. She always had a compassionate, kind, loving, caring and gentle heart.

At Christmastime (which was very hard because I couldn’t be with my family), Julie invited my boyfriend and I to her Christmas celebration. That was such a blessing and truly touched my heart.

She was family for me.

Julie bought me a Bible and said, “God will speak to you through your Bible. Your life is in there.” She was right! I have learned so much from Julie about the Bible. I read the Bible everyday now and I am learning so much.

She has been a true friend, sister, mentor and a gift from God. She loves and respects God so much that it just flows over onto others and myself.

 I believe there are many qualities that make Julie a great mentor: her knowledge of life and the Bible, her discernment, and her ears and eyes that are led by Christ. What pulls it all together is her deep love to bring glory to God. Her love for God and compassion for others is overflowing.

I truly feel loved by Julie. That’s very hard to find.

I have grown so much in my relationship with God and my love for Christ these last 7 months. With Julie’s help, I have received healing, forgiveness and my hope has been restored.

Thanks for sharing your story, Mary!

If you would like to share your Impact story, please contact us or respond in the Comments below.

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