Mentoring Moments
Feb 26, 2020By Jeannine Mitchell
Casting Crowns is my go-to when seeking encouraging and inspirational music. The other day I prayed that God would share a song with me that would reset my perspective and attitude after a difficult week.
The first song that played from shuffle mode reminded me of what I call “mentoring moments.” I can recall time and time again what seemed like simple conversations, but when facing hardships, those experiences turned into tools and truths equipping me to do and see things differently. They brought me closer to Jesus. Mentoring moments have the power to adjust perspectives and encourage others to walk on roads less travelled by society.
I had the honor of meeting a woman named Fern Nichols about four years ago. There were four of us meeting for the first time heading to the Colorado mountains for a retreat with Nancy Lindgren. In that short time driving up the mountain pass, we all shared some of our personal stories. I disclosed details about some losses and health issues and then tried to coat it in beautiful wrapping paper with a bow of “poor me” on top.
I remember Fern sharing that a difficult health journey took her to places she never would have been otherwise. She viewed these Dr. appointments as opportunities to minister to and encourage others. Little did Fern know that what she shared that day impacted me and others years later. Fern’s lifestyle is mentoring. She didn’t put on a mentor or spiritual hat on that car ride. She took the time to share her heart, to be vulnerable and present with women she had never before met. Fern wasn’t my personal mentor and yet the impact she made on me in that mentoring moment was life-altering.
A few years later, our life took a 360-degree turn after a breast cancer diagnosis. I cried, I feared and I felt held. How could I feel held when, in an instant, my husband and I wept, wondering if this was a death sentence. It felt like our world was falling apart. My 7 ½ year old daughter was also the exact same age I was when my father passed away. Please, Lord, not a repeat of my youth for my children!
My first instinct was to hold tightly to my husband and young children. To lie down in the fetal position and scream WHY, WHY, WHY another difficult road. I can’t do this! I don’t want to do this. After hours of hot tears soaking my pillow and sweaty hands wringing the sheets, my fears started to become tears of thankfulness. I held out clenched hands and let them slowly open up. I recalled Nancy Lindgren and I praying together over the years and she would say, “Lord, we hold loosely to these things that are easy to grip so tightly.” I saw myself at the foot of the cross with nothing left to give but my surrender. “I trust you Jesus. Use this detour to minister to those I meet along the way.”
Shifts in perspective from these two mentoring moments would change the way I approached fighting my battle with cancer. We can do the same thing knowing that God will use our circumstances, vulnerability and intention with others for His good. Can you recall a “mentoring moment” from a stranger, friend or mentor that brought you encouragement or a different perspective? Whatever situation you find yourself in today, I pray you feel held even in the midst of tear-soaked sheets.
The first song that played on my shuffle mode that day was “Just Be Held,” by Casting Crowns.
(Just be Held Chorus)
“So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away
You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
Just be held, just be held”
Jeannine Mitchell currently resides in Minnesota with her husband, Josh, their creative daughter and adventurous son. Living in states like California, Idaho, Massachusetts and Minnesota birthed a love for adventure, travel and scrapbooking A cancer diagnosis changed this mama’s call from homeschooling to healing and sharing her rescue story through writing and speaking. She’s passionate about moms, mentoring, prayer and serves on the MORE Mentoring Team.
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