Spiritual Mothers Arise
May 07, 2019by Nancy Lindgren
Village life in Israel ceased, ceased until I, Deborah, arose, arose a mother in Israel. Judges 5:7
As we near Mother’s Day, I want to ask you a question: ”Who is your spiritual mother?”
Who has had an impact on your life by modeling for you what it looks like to love Jesus and walk with Him?
Who has influenced you by commending to you the greatness of God?
I’m so thankful that I’ve been blessed with many spiritual mothers in my lifetime. They have shaped my view of God and His power. Their example of living out the fullness of Christ in front of me is what keeps me going. Their lives continually point me to Jesus.
Could it be that God is calling you to be a spiritual mother – a mentor – to someone?
With a fervency and sense of urgency like never before, my prayer is for spiritual mothers, mentors, to arise. We are living in a time where we are bombarded with information, opinions, cultural expectations, and so-called connectedness. Yet, we are more uncertain and lonelier than ever.
This is why we need to arise. We need each other. No more doing life alone. No more comparing ourselves with one another. We need to believe the best about each other and speak it. We need to come alongside one another and journey together.
To arise takes courage. It requires confidence and boldness. To arise means to take action. It says, “I must do something.” And as followers of Jesus, we don't have to muster up the energy and effort from our own abilities. We are equipped with the Spirit, powerful heaven-sourced ability. It comes from the heart of a Father who says, “It’s time to arise. I will be with you. It’s my power at work within you.”
As we read in Judges 5:7, Deborah understood the times were urgent. Village life was ceasing. Communities were dying. She needed to arise and do something and so she did. She didn’t let fear get in her way. She didn’t wait for someone else to go first. She took action.
Oh, spiritual mothers, let’s be like Deborah and arise with the power of the Living God in us to truly impact our culture. You are so valued. You are so wanted. You are so needed.
Now arise.
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