Team Spotlight — Hunter Levan
Nov 13, 2024The Lord is moving! We are so deeply blessed to welcome Hunter as our new Executive Director for MORE Mentoring! We want you to get to know him too, so we are sharing a glimpse into this new role and a bit of Hunter's own perspective and story in this spotlight. You'll quickly see why we are so excited to have Hunter on the MORE team!
Tell us a bit about you, your background and what led you to join MORE Mentoring!
I was born and raised in North Carolina. I went to Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. From there I moved from Washington, D.C. to Shanghai, then Hong Kong and back to the U.S. Most recently, God guided me to Denver, CO. Nancy and I met at a nonprofit fundraiser. Through a series of events, the Holy Spirit kept putting us in conversations about life in Christ. After that, I went through the interview process and BOOM, I became MORE Mentoring’s Executive Director.
Tell us more about what you will be doing for MORE Mentoring and what excites you the most about taking on the role of Executive Director.
I will be overseeing expansion of the ministry. I am excited to play a key role in reaching men. I have been a Christian Life Coach since 2015 and I have guided many men, believers and nonbelievers down a road of self discovery, personal growth and emotional wellness. It is vital to have more relatable men mentors out there living for the Kingdom. I am excited to help reach new target markets and expand MORE Mentoring while equipping and empowering all individuals.
Is there a particular Scripture, book or person that has deeply influenced your approach to leadership?
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things will be added to you.
– Matthew 6:33.
Is there a mentor who has had a big impact on your life, and how did this mentor challenge and shape you?
Over the past 14 years, I have had three mentors. They were all excellent at listening, empowering, teaching and challenging me. Josh, my most recent mentor, has challenged me most about what I believe about myself and how Abba sees me. I use Abba because Josh has taught me more about God as Father more than anyone else. No one I’ve seen or walked with has resembled the love of Christ to me more than Josh has.
Our goal for this ministry is to equip and raise up one million mentors! Share more of your heart and excitement around that!
One million is a BIG goal! But with God, all things are possible! Bring ’em on Lord! Working for God’s glory is a fun place to live. When you are a part of a team chasing after something He has spoken, only good can come from that. I look forward to MORE’s journey of one million mentors!
How do you recharge after a busy week? Any favorite hobbies or pastimes?
After a busy week, I love to get outdoors with a hike or long walk. Working out is my favorite hobby. Whether lifting weights, endurance training or a mix of both, I am usually down for a solid sweat session!
What’s something that people might be surprised to learn about you?
I read, write and speak Mandarin Chinese. This always gets people. Perhaps it is my southern roots. Lol.
What advice would you give to others who feel called to mentor?
“Less is more.” What I mean by that is that we can have all the answers, know how to provide great advice and quote all the applicable Scriptures, BUT we need to listen to hear a person’s heart. If you can truly listen, then one to two sentences can have more impact than an army of advice.
Hunter was born and raised in North Carolina and attended Appalachian State University. From there he moved to Washington, D.C. and then to Asia. He lived in Asia for a decade working as a business consultant and missionary. In 2015, he became a certified Biblical Life Coach. Since then, he’s focused on helping men transform their lives from the inside out. He enjoys getting outside, walking, snowboarding, working out, languages and travel. Hunter approaches all he does with great joy, love, and dedication, and he is thrilled to be part of the MORE Mentoring Team as Executive Director. Matthew 6:33 has been his life verse and it still amazes him to this day.
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