The Invitation, Initiation and Expectation
Feb 01, 2018by Nancy Lindgren
As I shared in my last blog post, my word for 2018 is COME. It’s amazing how God has revealed more of Himself through this one word. He speaks of it all throughout the Bible.
It’s an invitation on our part to “come” when Jesus calls us but we also invite Him to “come” and breathe His life into every area of our lives.
It takes initiation on both parties.
And we need to know that there is an expectation from both parties – Belief and Action.

How does this relate to mentoring?
There’s always the question of who asks first. Do I say, “Will you be my mentor? or Would you be interested in being mentored?” There does need to be a coming forward – an availability, a vulnerability, and a teachable spirit. So who invites? BOTH. It takes one to take the first step but both need to come forward and say, “Yes, I am willing.”
Once you take one step forward, then who initiates after that? BOTH. It can be uncomfortable and vulnerable because you don’t know how the other person is going to respond. But let’s get past our insecurities and fear of rejection and initiate.
Who sets the expectations? BOTH. Be honest and authentic with each other and let the other one know how much time you have to give and how you see this mentoring relationship looking like. How will it meet your needs?
Let’s make it a high priority to “come” into mentoring relationships. The time is short. The only thing we will be bringing with us to heaven is people. Let’s make our relationships count.
He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20 (NIV)
How are you taking steps in your mentoring relationships to invite, initiate and share expectations?
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