The Journey of Together
Oct 30, 2017
I have been so encouraged by the wonderful responses of many people as my new book, Together, has been published. For being a first-time author who self-published, it has truly been a blessing to see over 100 copies purchased within the first month and to hear such positive feedback.
Let me take you back to over two years ago when I sensed the Lord telling me to write this book. I had been involved in helping our church start a mentoring ministry and there was a mentor and a mentee we had paired together who couldn’t have been more different from one another. They had trouble even knowing how to get a conversation started and especially struggled over praying out loud together.
I so badly wanted to help them make their time together simple and easy. I realized there were three strong components to a great mentoring relationship: conversation, encouragement and prayer. The thought came . . .why not give some helpful guidance in each of these three areas? And the rest is history.
When I initially wrote the book, I had a pilot group that used it and gave great feedback. I heard from them what worked well and what didn’t and refined this book to make it what it is today.
I believe there are more books to come in the coming months if that’s truly the Lord’s thoughts and not my own. Thanks, too, for watching my Facebook Live Book Launchand for sharing it with your friends. There were over 500 who have viewed it so far. You can still watch it and share it with others if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet.
I wanted to share one review on Amazon that really blessed me. My dear friend, Sharon Gamble, is the Founder of Sweet Selah Ministries ( and here is what she had to say . . .
Best Book on Mentoring I’ve Ever Read
"I've mentored informally for years and I have truly never ever seen a better book on the subject. Nancy doesn't just "talk" about the value of mentoring in this book; she gives you the practical tools to DO it. Each session is outlined with just enough information and suggestions to get you going. I say "just enough" because sometimes we get too much information and then the organic nature of mentoring, with rich conversations and rabbit trails that "matter" is lost in a "system."
Nancy includes Scripture verses, a steady pointing to God, and simple prayer suggestions that keep the mentoring focused on the One who loves us best. She also has fun conversation starters that just help you get to know and love the one with whom you are working. It's a great mix of fun and momentum. I love this book and am buying a copy for my women's ministry leader at my church and another one for my current mentee. Can't wait to get started."
For the next few weeks, I will let others share their own stories of how this book has impacted their lives. May God get so much glory for each story!
I would also love to hear YOUR story! Feel free to share it in the comments below or go to the Contact page and write it in the Message section there. Have you read the book? Have you used the book? How has your life been impacted because of it?
If you have been impacted by this book, would you help us spread the word and leave a review on Amazon by sharing your thoughts there, as well?
Thanks for joining me on this great adventure!
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