Sep 18, 2017by Nancy Lindgren
I wanted to give you a glimpse into the first pages of our brand new mentoring guide called TOGETHER that is soon to be available for purchase. Much prayer has gone into this tool and I'm believing God will use it mightily in the lives of mentors and mentees to draw us closer to Him and to each other.

Life is hard. It’s messy. I have issues. You have issues. We need each other. We’re made that way – our hearts are designed to connect with others. In life, our journey will have unexpected twists and turns, sometimes that leave us on shaky ground. We can feel stuck, in a rut, and unable to move. And the enemy of our souls wants us there. He especially wants us to feel alone.
But what if we had someone to walk with, someone who is a little further down the path? Someone who has been there and who understands. Someone who loves, listens, encourages and prays. Someone who is unshaken because they know their God and want others to know Him, too.
I’m so glad you have this book in your hands because it means you don’t want to journey alone. Mentoring is one of the best ways we can experience the fullness of life that God desires for us. He has made us for community. He knows the strength, the joy, and the peace it will bring to our lives. Our Father wants us to experience the joy of coming together, being connected and moving into closer relationship with others and with Him.
As I wrote this guide, three words consistently resonated in my mind and heart. They are simple words – Come. Be. Move.
We need to come together – to be intentional, to be available, to give our time and our genuine presence to one another. God will do beautiful things in the lives of those who are teachable and sincere in their desire to grow closer to Him.
We need to be together – united in purpose in growing into the fullness of who God has made us to be, each with our own unique story, life experiences, personality, and giftings.
We need to move together – in the direction of God’s best plans for us. Movement is what gives us hope that God is able to do more than we can ask or imagine. We move together when we pray together and ask God to step into every aspect of our lives.
I’m so thankful you have taken the important first step of connecting with someone through mentoring. Whether you are a mentor or a mentee, I pray that God will use this guide as a tool to help you experience true, life-changing discipleship. I also sincerely hope and pray that it multiplies – like ripples on a pond, far reaching into the lives of many more.
My heartfelt prayer for you . . .
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
– Romans 15:13
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