What is a Mentor Looking for in a Mentee?
Aug 19, 2020by Nancy Lindgren
Originally written April 10th, 2019
A mentor can feel a lot of pressure to live up to what a mentee might be looking for or needing in a mentor. If a mentee will keep these 5 A’s in mind when pursuing a mentor, it will help assure the mentor that she is making an impact on your life.
You don’t even have to ask the question, “Will you be my mentor?” Sometimes it’s just better to start off by inviting someone to go out for coffee or take a walk together and get to know each other before the word “mentor” even comes up in the conversation.
I’ve found that a mentor is really looking for these 5 qualities in a mentee:
Action – Take the first step. Be the initiator. Oftentimes a mentor doesn’t see herself as one. It’s always an honor to be asked.
Authenticity – Be real. Be vulnerable. Share your struggles. Share your joys.
Ask – Ask your mentor good questions. Ask her to pray for specific requests. Ask her for help when you need it.
Aware – Be aware of your mentor’s boundaries (of her time and commitments, etc.). Don’t expect more of her than what she has to give.
Appreciation – Your mentor is making an investment in you. It’s so good for her to hear how much you appreciate her. Tell her how much her life is making a difference in yours.
Question to ponder: What other qualities are mentors looking for in mentees?
Nancy Lindgren is an author, speaker and the Founder of MORE Mentoring, whose mission is to inspire women to love and encourage others through prayer-focused mentoring. She and her husband, Mark, have midwestern roots, but now call Lakewood, Colorado home. They have four grown children and a well-worn welcome mat at their front door.
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