Who Are You In Front Of?
Sep 05, 2019
By Val Bantz
“Who are you in front of?” It’s a question recently posed to me at a women’s leadership training session at my church. The definition of leadership that was presented was intriguing. A leader is a person out in front with a vision who knowingly or unknowingly casts a vision that others follow.
True confessions: I didn’t want to hear that I was out in front of anyone. I don’t feel like a leader and I often shy away from it. I’m scared to lead and to cast a vision! Why? Too much work. Too much responsibility. Lack of confidence. Insecurity. All of the above. Even at my ripe old age of 51, I’d rather be a follower and stay hidden in the crowd.
But the reality is I AM out in front of people, whether I want to be or not! As I considered the question, my mentees immediately came to mind. God has placed me in a position to lead them and given me influence in their lives for His kingdom purposes. I have life experiences and stories of God’s faithfulness that He’s asked me to share with them. It’s an opportunity and a high calling to lead!
Mentors, who are you in front of? Embrace your position of leadership! Just like me, you have followers, people God has placed in your life that you are out in front of. You have a vision for your mentee to follow. What is this vision? Here at MORE Mentoring, our vision is for every mentee to experience MORE of Jesus. How do we do this? By leading, pointing and praying! MORE Mentoring’s mission is to inspire women to love and encourage others through prayer-focused mentoring.
As we lead our mentees and point them to Jesus, who is out in front leading us? Jesus Himself is!! 2 Corinthians 2:14 says: “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere.”
If we are following Jesus and leading and pointing our mentees to Him through encouragement and prayer, we will see Jesus transform our own lives and the lives of our mentees. Mentors, let’s joyfully lead and witness God’s transforming power!!
Val Bantz serves on Team MORE and is a newby empty nester from Waukee, Iowa with passions in mentoring and generosity. She also loves coffee, walking and game nights!
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