MORE Mentoring Blog
The Ripple-Effect Investment Dec 15, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

Last week I had one of those weeks where I was doing a lot but I began to think, “Does any of this make a difference?”

Do you ever feel that way? Your wheels are spinning, your to-do list is long, and you stop to gain perspective . . .”will this really matter...

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Book Launch Celebration Oct 05, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

Join me on Tuesday, October 10 for a Book Launch Celebration!

7:00 pm (MST) Facebook Live on my personal page to talk about my new book:



Together is hot off the press and now available to purchase on Amazon. I can't wait to tell you more about it...

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Waiting Well May 15, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

In the past couple of years, I’ve had to do a lot of waiting.

Waiting for our house to sell.       

            Waiting to purchase a...

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Investing In A Life Apr 10, 2017
by Nancy Lindgren


The divine connection with Sarah happened on a hot, August day at our neighborhood block party. I was immediately drawn to her and found out that she was new to the area with two young kids. We had a few phone conversations after that initial...

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Don't Hog Your Story, Blog Your Story Apr 03, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

When I heard these words come out of my friend Carolyn’s mouth, I knew they were for me. The time had come to dive into the blogging world.

Why was my heart so hesitant and apprehensive?

I guess it’s because I don’t love to talk about me and my opinions. I...

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