MORE Mentoring Blog
The Ripple-Effect Investment Dec 15, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

Last week I had one of those weeks where I was doing a lot but I began to think, “Does any of this make a difference?”

Do you ever feel that way? Your wheels are spinning, your to-do list is long, and you stop to gain perspective . . .”will this really matter...

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Information vs Intimacy Sep 04, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

I’m feeling the overload of information this morning. It makes me want to shout TMI!

There is information coming at us from all angles. . .blog posts, advertisements, social media, podcasts, books, etc. You name it. It’s instant and it’s constant. Most of...

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Not Enough May 08, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

I'm actually off the grid this week celebrating our 30th anniversary with my hubby. Can't believe it's been that long already! This is a post I wrote last year for Mother's Day. I want to wish all of you sweet mamas a big Happy Mother’s Day next Sunday! 

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