MORE Mentoring Blog
A Life Well Lived Feb 22, 2018

by Nancy Lindgren

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Billy Graham saw Jesus face-to-face yesterday. What a celebration it must have been!

I’ve been reading and watching so many people share about the impact his life has made on them.

Several things stand out to me . . .

He loved...

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Answering a Heart-Pounding Call Feb 08, 2018

It's such an honor to have Carol Madison as our guest blogger this week. I love her heart for mentoring in prayer - it really aligns with what we're all about here at MORE Mentoring. As you will read below, God used the movie War Room to stir my heart, as well, and ask Him to...

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The Ripple-Effect Investment Dec 15, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

Last week I had one of those weeks where I was doing a lot but I began to think, “Does any of this make a difference?”

Do you ever feel that way? Your wheels are spinning, your to-do list is long, and you stop to gain perspective . . .”will this really matter...

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Information vs Intimacy Sep 04, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

I’m feeling the overload of information this morning. It makes me want to shout TMI!

There is information coming at us from all angles. . .blog posts, advertisements, social media, podcasts, books, etc. You name it. It’s instant and it’s constant. Most of...

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Experiencing MORE Aug 14, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

I would love to hear how you experienced MORE this summer (which I can hardly believe is soon coming to an end). How did you pull away to pray, play or stay? Were you able to find stillness amidst the busyness? In what ways did you practice "being" rather than "doing"?...

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Waiting Well May 15, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

In the past couple of years, I’ve had to do a lot of waiting.

Waiting for our house to sell.       

            Waiting to purchase a...

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Replace the “De” Words with “Re” Words Apr 17, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

As a dear friend and I were praying together this past week, the words that came out of her mouth were, “God, replace the 'de' words with 're' words." Let me explain.

Satan is the king of the “de” words:  words that bring death to...

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